Healing Is A Natural Process by Lee Harrington

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Healing Is A Natural Process

It's interesting how we react to claims of healing. Stories of the miraculous, of faith or mysticism. What of just plain old "the body has healing mechanisms"? It's true we just don't often think of it that way.

You cut your finger, it bleeds. Then it clots and the bleeding stops. A scab forms, there is swelling and soreness. Over time your finger goes back to normal. That is your body healing itself. Bandaid or not, antiseptic spray or not. Leave a cut alone and your body heals.

You break a leg. The doctor sets it and puts a cast on so you can't move. Is the cast doing any healing? No, it's your own body that heals the bone back together. The cast just keeps you from further injuring yourself.

Your body can heal the liver and the pancreas and your insulin resistance. You have to stop injuring it further by eating sugars/carbs beyond your tolerance. Feed your body nutritious foods that don't have much or any carbs. Rest (fasting is resting your digestive system). Sleep and exercise.

Every condition, every person in every situation? No, of course not. I am just pointing out that healing is not some mystical fairy tale. Your body is designed/has evolved with many healing mechanisms. This is completely natural.

What can we do to support our bodies in-built systems of healing? That should be first and foremost in our minds and medical systems. But it's not. That's why we need to get involved in educating ourselves and then doing the hard work of attending to our bodies. What we eat, how we move, getting rest and handling stress.

It's empowering to take responsibility for your health. It's hard work changing what you eat, learning to cook, planning ahead of time. Fasting is challenging. Exercise at the level that changes your body can seem out of reach at first. Getting a good nights sleep and handling stress can take time and effort to improve.

There are so many other priorities in our lives. Who has time after working, taking care of the kids and meeting the needs of your spouse. That was me and I found myself in my middle fifties walking with a cane, living in pain, and killer levels of Type 2 diabetes. I'm so grateful that I started my health reclamation journey. I just wish I had been taking care of my health all along. I would have spared myself a lot of pain and suffering.

It's never too late to start. The sooner the better. Your body has millions of years of healing experience built in. Learn to work with it.

I did it - I ran 5K without stopping

Written by Lee Harrington
Published November 4th, 2023

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