Health is a Journey - not a Prescription Pad

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Health is a Journey - not a Prescription Pad, by Roxana Soetebeer

A pill for every ill

In my mid-20s, when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I believed that there was a pill for every ill. The doctors scared me into taking all kinds of meds, emphasizing that going off immune suppressants could render the medication ineffective if I needed it again. Decades later, as I delved deeper into the world of health and nutrition, I began to question whether this reliance on medication was truly in my best interest. Read my story here.

How is medication making us sicker?

The root cause of metabolic disease is insulin resistance. It causes modern diseases like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and many more. Insulin resistance might even be causal in most cancers and mental diseases. While medications address the symptoms - more or less - they do nothing to mitigate the root cause. And they do nothing to prevent long-term complications.

In our pursuit of relief from immediate ailments, medication has become a central pillar of modern healthcare. However, are we unknowingly falling into a trap known as the "pill mill"? This worrisome phenomenon involves an overdependence on medication to treat symptoms - and then the symptoms caused by the medications.

The easy access to prescription drugs and the pressure of seeking quick fixes can lead us into a perilous cycle. Rather than promoting long-term well-being, the pill mill approach offers fleeting relief, concealing the root causes.

The dangers of overmedication are numerous. Drug interactions can lead to unexpected complications, causing harm to our bodies. Relying on pills may discourage us from adopting healthier eating and lifestyle habits, exacerbating health problems.

What's more, the pharmaceutical industry wields significant influence over healthcare providers, promoting the overprescription of medications. They also directly market their products to patients, promising improved well-being while prioritizing profits over health.

Profit over health

Is the medical system really that profit oriented? Reading Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine by Prof. Robert Lustig explains when, why, and how the medical system became corrupted. I am not suggesting that modern medicine is entirely useless. But as far as treating metabolic disease, it has not only failed, but made the problem worse.

It is disheartening to see real people in diabetes groups argue that their diabetes is well controlled—with an A1c of 7%. Doctors tell them they are fine, dieticians pat them on the back. No one cares that they will end up with horrible complications. I so badly want them to see the truth. I want them to realize that a goal A1c of 7%, especially when achieved with tight medication, is nothing to celebrate.

Can we break free from the pill mill?

Breaking free from the pill mill begins with unbiased education - not driven by profit - and guidelines grounded in science rather than lobbying efforts. It involves putting health ahead of financial gains. It starts with each of us rejecting quick fixes, understanding the root causes, and committing to a healthier lifestyle.

There are no magic pills to cure metabolic diseases. There are no easy ways or shortcuts. But there is a simple solution: choosing one-ingredient whole foods, primarily animal-based.

Remember, health is a journey, not something found on a prescription pad. Embrace the power of informed decisions and choices.

Final thought: Let's not forget that the most profound transformations often begin with a single, informed decision. The choice is yours. Start today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

I'm Roxana Soetebeer, a metabolic health practitioner and certified coach. I help clients achieve better health through a proper human diet.

Explore my coaching site, where I provide personalized help to you make meaningful changes in your diet and lifestyle. Whether you're struggling with metabolic issues (obesity, T2D, etc.) or seeking a healthier lifestyle, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Written by Roxana Soetebeer MHP
Published September 2nd, 2023

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