Are you a carb addict

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Are you a carb addict by Tia Reid

How to spot the signs of carb addiction

Hi it's me Tia the Carb Addiction Coach...

If you are struggling with Sugar/Carb Addiction you need to heal your brain first; addiction is a disease of the brain. When I say sugar I mean any carbohydrate such as pasta, bread, desserts, cookies, soda, ice cream, pizza, cereal, potatoes, rice, sweeteners. You will need to take consistent steps to change your neural pathways and brain chemistry. Sugar addiction is chronic and progressive. Do you dare to be diagnosed? I have been trained by the international expert Bitten Jonsson @Bittensaddiction many want to lose weight however, you can't focus on weight loss without healing your brain/behavior towards sugar/carbs. So when you focus on your recovery, the weight will come with it.

Some people have asked me how do you recognize Sugar/Carb addiction? Let explore this a bit.

Have you said or thought to yourself? I can't stop eating certain sugary foods I just can't control how much I eat of a certain food. One bite is never enough and before you know it it's all gone.

I've quit eating sugar/carbs before. I know what to do, but I just can't stick to it.

I have tried so many diets but always go back to eating sugar/carbs.

I know I'm addicted to sugar and sweets and know it is probably hurting my health but still do it anyway.

These are things people with Carb addiction say. Addiction is the only disease that tells you , you don't have a disease. Most addicts today face more than one addiction at the same time, they coexist, interact and reinforce each other. Such as screens, shopping, alcohol, etc. This is called Addiction interaction disorder. Addiction is a brain disease!

When you break up with sugar you will start to heal. One day at a time!! Commit to consistent small changes every day. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Accept that you may have it and learn how to manage your symptoms. Even if you have not been diagnosed giving up sugar/carbs will change your life.

Give it a try and challenge yourself for 30 days. This takes time and you will have to trust the process.

Acceptance really is a SUPERPOWER. Relapse is a process not an event..In some training with Gorski-CENAPS I learned that there are 11 steps or early warning signs where an intervention could have been made. If You mess up and most of us will, don't shame yourself. It's okay, just keep going. No matter what. No one is perfect 100 percent of the time. You can find food freedom with abstinence. Moderation does not work for the disease of addiction. Eating look alike foods does not work; it keeps you sick and full of cravings. If you're like me you have no control when sugar is in your system.Its not worth taking the first bite. You can heal one meal at a time. One day at a time. Just eat real whole food. Nothing processed, Nothing from a box or a bag. Good Nutrition is vital for recovery.

Be courageous!! Courage is knowing it might hurt but doing it anyway. Self Care is Healthcare!

You are stronger then you think, We all can do hard things. You just have to show up!!

Change your food, Change your life. Keep Going, Never Stop, You Got This!!!

ICD 10's Criteria states that addiction is at least 3 symptoms in 3 Criteria during the last year or 12 months. Think about sugary foods. Any carbohydrate such as pasta, bread, desserts, cookies, soda, ice cream, pizza, cereal, potatoes, rice, sweeteners and ask yourself remember this is within a 12 month period. If you answer yes to 3 or may it may indicate you have a problem or addiction. This tool is called the UNCOPE SUGAR tool created by Bitten Johnsson:

  • Unplanned Use: Have you eaten more sweets/then you intended or spent more time eating and using sweets
  • Neglected: Have you ever neglected some of your usual daily responsibilities due to using sweets/overeating
  • Cut Down: Have you felt that you wanted or need to cut down on eating sweets in the last year
  • Objected: If anyone (family, friends, healthcare professional) knew about your eating habits with sweets would they object/protest?
  • Pre-Occupied: Have you ever found yourself preoccupied with wanting sweets or found yourself thinking a lot about sweets
  • Emotional Discomfort: Have you ever used sweets/food to relieve emotional discomfort, such as fatigue, irriation, sadness, anger, tiredness, bordom, etc? Dare to be diagnosed!!

Written by Tia Reid, MHP
Published October 8th, 2023

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